Inside the Spirit
of an Ancient Volcano
We will explore ancient connections that link the formation of the Earth and the beginning of life with our ancestral connection to places. Each tree and plant holds a story and that story can provide us with healing energy. We will be exploring the power of mixed forests that provide a diverse range of pollens, resins and phytocides. We will be in the presence of ancient power points as we stand atop tall stone citadels which will provide an opportunity to experience healing minerals.
The mixed forest areas of the BC Interior not only present a stunning landscape of rock, meadows and forest but also rich in wildlife and bird viewing. The valley and foothills areas represent ancient migration corridors for both animals and people. On this expedition we will examine an ancient volcanic vent, which created the mountain Coyote Sleeping. We will explore diverse ecosystems, which bridge rainforests and dry interior habitat as well as a bottomless lake left over from the last ice age. This adventure includes a tour of a high plateau with spectacular views of a “power point” by the ancient people who kept it sacred.
Fire represents the birth, life and death cycle so it is about renewal as well as warmth and light. This two day experience highlights the role of the “Firekeeper” and offers elements of ancient storytelling, gathering, craft and sacred medicines as well as protection as we navigate new pathways. We explore the science of fire in the landscape from volcanic turmoil to the regeneration of the forest. We will dwell within the energy of the "gatekeepers" along forested edge areas that contain fireweed, brambles and Hawthorns and we will meditate in the presence of remote Pine forests and her Mother Trees.
We will further connect with the sentient part of these forests by planting Cottonwood to restore her waterways and collect cones from Mother Trees.
What’s included within each expedition…
Each weekend expedition includes exciting and comforting features that bridge wellness with the natural world. Each program includes:
- Airport shuttle and touring between the Sanctuary Forest Centre and forest trailheads.
- Each program is guided by professional Yasei Shinrin Yoku Guides and Practitioners.
- Comfortable Glamping Tents and Retreat facilities.
- Numerous gentle guided walkabouts with meditation sessions connected to unique forest ecosystems.
- Each program includes the Wildcraft Forest 6 Session Yasei Shinrin Yoku Experience.
- Features ten different Yasei Shinrin Yoku exercises everyday.
- Profile five different wild plants everyday including plant identification as well as food and medicinal values.
- Daytime and evening presentations and discussions about Yasei Shinrin Yoku and the wild relationships that link better health with nature.
- Healing and bodywork demonstrations.
- Culinary learning so that you can rewild your diet.
- Ample alone time that’s just for you.
- Each program includes Earth stewardship experiences and methods of modern and ancient caretaking as well as ceremonies which can help offer protection and restore balance in the forest.
- We offer an extra free day so that you can arrive early and relax.
2024 Date:
August 31 - September 1
$290 per person (Canadian dollars) includes accommodation and more.
Tribe of Five Rate: Reserve five spaces for $1160 or $232 per person.
Yasei Shinrin Yoku: The Ancient Fire Retreat
$290 (Canadian Dollars) per person
Please register through this payment link and we will confirm your placement information by phone or email.
You can also make your payment by bank transfer please email us for instructions.
If you have questions about this retreat or if you would like to register a Tribe of Five please email us:
Or phone: 250.547.2001
Space is limited, please register well in advance. Our retreats fill very quickly.
The Wildcraft Forest presents four different Yasei Shinrin Yoku Destination Retreats. As forest expeditions each is connected to a different element of energy in the diverse pristine forests of British Columbia.