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Shamanic Practitioner Certification Distance Learning Program $1800 per person (Canadian Dollars)

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Shamanic Coaching: Energy Medicine and Biofield Therapy Certification
Become a Shamanic Practitioner and explore First Contact, the Guardian Spirit Complex and Shamanism

  • Presented in a 5 day certification camp held       May to September.
  • Also presented through Distance Learning

We have changed our Shamanic Coaching - Energy Medicine and Biofield Therapy Training program. We now have two options for our "Practitioner" Training Camps, we now have the program available for in-person attendance or online. And as always you can also become a Certified "Guide" through our Distance Learning Program.

Our First Option: In-Person - Our Shamanic Practitioners training allows participants to deliver a 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program to individuals, groups and into the public and private sectors. Training begins online when you register and then you complete your certification at one of our 5-day camps.
Regular Cost: $1800 CDN

Our Second Option: Online Distance Learning - You can now complete your Shamanic Practitioners certification online and your registration includes placement into one of our 5-day support camps or retreats that you can attend here in British Columbia at anytime in the future. This training also allows participants to deliver a 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program to individuals, groups and into the public and private sectors.
Regular Cost: $1800 CDN

The “Guardian Spirit Complex” is an ancient phenomenon of considerable cultural, social and psychological significance for the great majority of indigenous societies throughout the ages. The Guardians take on many forms, they can be people, ancestors, spirits, plants and animals, even energies. The basic premise is that all things or “beings” which are alive and have varying degrees of sentiency whether they be a stone or a person. All of these Guardians exist surrounded by an energy field that contains extraordinary abilities. This camp series travels participants into these various fields of energy and examines aspects of the Guardian Spirit Complex and then links these teachings to a practical Biofield Therapy Certification for a Shamanic Coaching practise. The series offers an advanced program for understanding and working with plant spirit medicine in conjunction with the ancient arts and is ideal for people interested in spirituality, theology and the science of body, mind and spirit and has been developed to support cross cultural understanding, and methods for making First Contact. This series is also ideal for professionals in the fields of counseling and alternative healthcare because it has a primary focus of addressing issues associated with “meaning and purpose”. The series includes an advanced teaching of wild plant characteristics and properties within a number of wild ecosystems and places them into a context that includes plant spirit medicine and within the realm of contemporary shamanism and historical alchemy. This series focuses on dimensional energy and developing skills linked to ancient forms of intuition within the context of Wild Dynamic Biofield Therapy. The series goes into details regarding Totemism and places both plant and animal spirit energy and symbolism that includes one’s local environment. The series also leads participants into an advanced understanding of Shamanism and species relationships that support regenerative stewardship.

This camp series is a great way to learn about better health and lifestyle choices and gives participants a chance to explore pristine environments and capture skills in the ancient arts, storytelling, ceremony and alchemy. Upon completion of the program participants will be able supplied with Shamanic Coaching Certification which includes Wild Dynamic Energy Medicine and Biofield Therapy Certification. This training can assist them in both career and self-employment endeavors especially suited for counseling, alternative healthcare, the spiritual and visual arts, theology, energy work, education, food, nutrition and outdoor recreation.


Section 1
Applied Wild and Indigenous Sciences 
  • Plants and Ecology Studies, Biosemiotics, Microbe Studies
  • Mother Tree Studies, Seed Saving and Stewardship
  • The “Guardian Spirit Complex”

Plant Spirit Medicines: The Cosmic Tree
  • Plant Spirit Guilds
  • Plant deities, ceremonial protection and sacred practices
  • The nature and methods of ecstasy and soul travel.
  • Plant Spirit Medicine Camp - One of the following: Rainforest, Tundra, Savannah, Aquatic or Vision Quest

Section 2
Animal Speak
  • Totemism understanding and practice.
  • Ceremonial and Life Guidance.
  • Understanding animals as guides in their ecosystem
  • Protecting animal spirits and their habitat.

Shamanism Apprenticeship
  • Contemporary Mal'ta Buret Shamanism which honours the ancient traditions of the Yamnaya Celts and the Buryat People
  • Understanding and Practicing Shamanism and Firekeeping
  • Yamnaya Druidism

Section 3
Wildcrafting Essential Alchemy
  • Transformation and Transmutation of Medicines
  • Jerusalem and Egyptian Schools
  • White and Black Smiths
  • Dragon and other cults

Wild Dynamic Energy Medicine
  • Energy and Frequency Studies
  • Divination Methods
  • Sound and organics

Section 4
Wild Dynamic Biofield Therapy
  • Wild Dynamic Life Coaching
  • Spiritual Counseling and Dreamwork
  • Ancestral Mapping and counseling
  • Solving Anomic Depression and rewilding “Purpose”.
  • Practitioner systems

Our First Option: In-Person - Each 5 day Shamanic Practitioner Certification Camp takes place during the dates listed below beginning in May 2023. Camps begin on Monday and end on Friday. The camp program includes online introductory lessons in advance of each camp.

2025 Camp Program Dates
Open for Registration
  • June 23-27
  • August 12-16

Our Second Option: Online Distance Learning -
If you choose to register for our Shamanic Practitioner Certification through Distance Learning we will begin your training within 5 days of registration. Your registration includes placement into one of our 5-day support camps or retreats that you can attend here in British Columbia at anytime in the future. 
I promise to create and implement wild design systems that include an understanding of Earth Energies and a respect for Ancestral Wisdom and the ancient practice of Firekeeping. I will seek to understand biological codes and communication within nature and the Cosmos.

Shamanic Coaching and Biofield Therapy Certification:
Camps begin on Monday and end on Friday. 

Wildcrafters Promise
Regular Camp Series Cost:
$1800.00 Canadian Dollars per person

You may register using this secure Paypal link:
Shamanic Practitioner Certification Camp  - $1800 per person (Canadian Dollars)
Option 2 - Shamanic Practitioner Certification through Distance Learning: $1800 per person
Option 1 - Shamanic Practitioner Certification Camp:
$1800 per person 
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We have discounted these specific dates for this program. Register for this program until March 3rd, 2024 while space is still available.

Shamanic Coaching: Energy Medicine and
Biofield Therapy Certification Camp
June 3-7, 2024
Special - $1400.00 per person
This offer is for these dates only, register by March 3, 2024. There are only 4 spaces available at this discounted price.
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You may also register by Interac or
Wells Fargo Transfer. Send us an email and we will send you instructions.

  • Camp Accommodation is Included 
If you have questions please email us or call 250.547.2001
“Rewild” is the distance-learning program offered by the Wildcraft Forest School. We offer online courses, seminars and outdoor challenges and restoration programs which provide an inspirational and creative environment for students ranging from children to adults and from beginners to professionals.

Explore Online Courses 
Mystery School
With the Earth being placed at risk it has become necessary to find, educate and initiate new keepers of ancient wisdom. In every Wildcraft Forest School course new keepers have emerged and in order to further support this effort we have made public our Mystery School that will share the “lesser mysteries” in this realm we call "wild mysticism".

Explore our Mystery School
Shamanic Coach Guide
Certification Online
This online certification program takes a practical approach towards contemporary Shamanism as an important tool to nurture “meaning and purpose” within individuals, families and groups. This series is ideal for people interested in spirituality and the science of body, mind and spirit and has been developed to support cross cultural understanding, and methods for making “First Contact” with energies, beings and ideas. 
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